REMnux > Numchucks

This title was certainly reaching a bit, but it'll do. REMnux is an incredible versatile and useful malware analysis machine. This post is meant to not only educate you about it, but walk you through its setup!

What is REMnux?

According to REMnux is "a Linux toolkit for reverse-engineering and analyzing malicious software." Basically what that means is that what Kali is to offensive security REMnux is to malware analysis. It comes with tons of useful preinstalled and configured tools. In coming malware analysis post you will certainly see me use it, so in order for you to get the most out of the coming post you should install REMnux and follow along!


The installation of REMnux is actually very easy and user friendly.

Metasploit Setup

1- Go to

2- Below the step 1 section select the download from box link. ( (You do not need to sign in in order to download)

3- Download the OVA file.

4- In VMWare select "Open a Virtual Machine"

5- Navigate to that OVA file

6- There is no step 6 that's it...

Next Steps??

Play around and have fun! Learn about the tools, add your customizations (I installed terminator and sublime right off the back), and explore. Some of my following post will dive into the tools and analyzing malware, but for now enjoy.